9th International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (RTCSE)

25-26 June, 2025

Yarsi University, Jakarta, Indonesia

Conference Photo of First Day: Satellite Session in The Oxford College of Engineering, India and Pre-Confernce Organizer Meeting in University of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA

Conference Photo of Second Day:

Published Paper of RTCSE-2020 USA Conference in ESCI/Scopus/Thomson Reuters/Crossref Index Journal

  1. 3:Frank Morlang, "Supersonic and hypersonic flight dynamics realization for the SpaceLiner real-time Human-in-the-Loop Space Flight Simulator", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S11, September 2019 PDF
  2. 11:S. M. Afzal Hoq, Abdurahim Okhunov, C. P. Tso, "ERROR ESTIMATION OF BILINEAR GALERKIN FINITE ELEMENT METHOD FOR 2D THERMAL PROBLEMS", 3 C Tecnologia Volume n 9, No 1, (Edición 33) PDF
  3. 12: Keshav Kumar, Bishwajeet Pandey, D. M. Akbar Hussian, Arifa Bhutto, Amit Kant Pandit, Yousef A. Baker El-Ebiary "Design of Energy Efficient Control Unit and Implementation on High Performance FPGA", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S2, October 2019 PDF
  4. 13:Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary, Waheeb Abu-Ulbeh, Ahmed Hassan Hassan, M. Hafiz Yusoff, Seita Almandeel, Bishwajeet Pandey, "Models of Leadership in Information Technology Projects", Solid State Technology, Vol. 63, No. 1s PDF
  5. 14: Seita Almandeel , Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary , Ahmed Hassan Hassan , Waheeb Abu-Ulbeh , M. Hafiz Yusoff , Bishwajeet Pandey "ICT and Leadership Styles-Level of Leadership Competence of Educational Leaders", Test Engineering and Management Journal, March -April 2020ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 17077-17085 PDF
  6. 15: Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary , Ahmed Hassan Hassan , Waheeb Abu-Ulbeh , M. Hafiz Yusoff , Seita Almandeel , Bishwajeet Pandey, "Emergent Leaders and Transformational in Effective Leadership Development in Information Technology", Test Engineering and Management Journal, March -April 2020 ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 17095-17102 PDF
  7. 16: Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary , Waheeb Abu-Ulbeh , Helmi Murad Ebrahim , M. Hafiz Yusoff , Seita Almandeel , Bishwajeet Pandey, "Extending the Information Systems Success Model with Transformational Leadership and Compatibility", Test Engineering and Management Journal, March -April 2020 ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 17110-17117 PDF
  8. 17: Jose Carlos Bustamante Falcón, Ciro Rodriguez Rodriguez and Doris Esenarro Vargas, "Real Time Facial Expression Recognition System Based on Deep Learning", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S11, September 2019 PDF
  9. 18: Muhammad Junaid Iqbal, Sarmad Hameed, Naeem Nizar Ali, Abdul Subhan and Moez Ul Hasan, "3 Axis Palletizer", JOURNAL OF MECHANICS OF CONTINUA AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, January 2020 PDF
  10. 19: Vladimir Ivanov, Alexander Klygach, Sam Shterenberg, Sergey Strelkov, Jason Levy, "ADVANCES IN AUGMENTED REALITY (AR) FOR MEDICAL SIMULATION AND TRAINING" 3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Abril 2020 PDF
  11. 26: Keshav Kumar, Bishwajeet Pandey, Amit Kant Pandit, Yousef A. Baker El-Ebiary, Salameh A. Mjlae, Samer Bamansoor, "Design of Low Power Transceiver on Spartan-3 and Spartan-6 FPGA", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S2, October 2019 PDF
  12. 40: Luis Chávez A., Yudely Palpán F., Ciro Rodriguez, "Convolutional Neural Networks Model in premature detection of Melanoma", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S2, October 2019 PDF
  13. 41: Atif Saeed, Rusel Bhaleshah, Behroz Noorani, Marium Feeroze Alvi, "Paper Currency Bacteria Removal and Processing Machine", JOURNAL OF MECHANICS OF CONTINUA AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, January 2020 PDF
  14. 43: Muhammad Talha, Atif Saeed,Mustafa Jaffer, Hayyan Yousuf Khan, Ali Haider, Wajahat Ali, "Design and Analysis of Inline Pipe Turbine" 3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Abril 2020 PDF
  15. 44: Atif Saeed, Mukarram Hussain Shah, Shayan Shahid "Analysis the Efficiency of Solar Water Desalination System: An Experimental Study", JOURNAL OF MECHANICS OF CONTINUA AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, January 2020 PDF
  16. 49: Andy Reyes Vargas, Ciro Rodriguez Rodriguez and Doris Esenarro Vargas, "Hyperconverged Systems Applied (HSA) Methodology to optimize the process of technological renewal in Data Centers", International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S11, September 2019 PDF
  17. 50: Consuelo Espino, Ciro Rodríguez, Doris Esenarro, "Fuzzy Optimization Model for post harvest selection process of Pecan (Carya illinoinensis)", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S2, October 2019 PDF
  18. 51: Elizabeth Mendoza, Ciro Rodríguez, Doris Esenarro "Configuration Management of information systems in Peruvian Goverment organizations", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S2, October 2019 PDF
  19. 52: Brayan Calcina, Ciro Rodriguez, Doris Esenarro, "Improvement of Academic Performance of Engineering Students through an Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System (AEHS)", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S2, October 2019 PDF
  20. 57: Maytham Kadhim Obaid, Ismail Abdul Rahman, Intidhar Jabir Idan, Sasitharan Nagapan, "Severity of Causative Factors to Construction Waste Generation: Iraq Construction Industry", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 12(36), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2019/v12i36/147910, September 2019 PDF
  21. 59: Mohanad Hatem, Abdul Aziz Abdul Samad, Noridah Mohamad, Goh Wan Inn, Saad Abdulqader, "A Review on NSM-CFRP technique using in Shear Strengthening of RC Deep Beams", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 12(36), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2019/v12i36/147909, September 2019 PDF
  22. 71: Ali Asghar Memon, Syed Asif Ali Shah, Muhamamd Talha, Mutiba khan, Ahmad Ali Mustafa Irshaid, Pooja Kumari, Mahaveer Mathrani, "Hybrid Optimization of Piezoelectric Wind Turbine and Photovoltaic system", JOURNAL OF MECHANICS OF CONTINUA AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, January 2020 PDF
  23. 72: Pradeep Pathirana, Sagara Sumathipala, "A Low-Cost Intelligent Hardware System for Real-Time Infant Cry Detection and Classification", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume-8 Issue-12S, 2019 PDF
  24. 73: Ayesha Urooj, Sallar Khan, Sana Shafiq, Bilal Ahmed, Abdul Basit, Shaheer Mustafa Ansari, "IOT BASED FLUID MANAGEMENT AUTOMATION SYSTEM USING RASPBERRY PI AND ULTRASONIC SENSORS" 3C Tecnología. Glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme. ISSN: 2254 – 4143 Edición Especial Special Issue Abril 2020 PDF
  25. 78: A. Hakeem Memon, Sheeraz A. Shaikh, Zubair A. Memon, Anwar A. Memon, Ali A. Memon "DCM Boost Converter with High Efficiency", JOURNAL OF MECHANICS OF CONTINUA AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, January 2020 PDF
  26. 84: Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary , Ahmed Hassan Hassan , Samer Bamansoor , SyarillaIryani A. Saany , W. M. Amir Fazamin W. Hamzah , Bishwajeet Pandey, "The Impact of Technological Innovation in Promoting Marketing Strategies-A Review Paper", Test Engineering and Management Journal, March -April 2020 ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 17395-17403 PDF
  27. 85: Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary , Samer Bamansoor , Ahmed Hassan Hassan , SyarillaIryani A. Saany , W. M. Amir Fazamin W. Hamzah , Bishwajeet Pandey, "Investigating the Behavioural Preferences of the Jordanian online Shoppers", Test Engineering and Management Journal, March -April 2020 ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 17404-17412 PDF
  28. 86: Madhukar Deshmukh, Albena Mihovska, Ramjee Prasad, "Extreme Eigenvalue Based Detection Under Impact of Noise and Interference Uncertainty", PDF
  29. 87: Kazuhiro Morita, Kenzaburo Yashiro, Masao Fuketa "A Classification Method of the Incident By Extraction From Text", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12S2, October 2019 PDF
  30. 93: Umm-e-Laila, Faheem Ali, Syed Siraj Uddin, Muhammad Shariq Sadiq, Muhammad Shahroz Siddiqui, Muhammad Ibrar ul Haque "Real Time Door Security System with Three Point Authentication", JOURNAL OF MECHANICS OF CONTINUA AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, January 2020 PDF
  31. 94: Anil Seker and Berna Ors Yalcin, "Instruction Set Extension of Nios II for Floating-Point HOG Description and Implementation on an FPGA", JOURNAL OF MECHANICS OF CONTINUA AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, January 2020 PDF
  32. 102: Arpita Gupta, Saloni Priyani and Ramadoss Balakrishnan, "A Naïve Bayes Reputation Generating Model Based on Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Fusion", JOURNAL OF MECHANICS OF CONTINUA AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, January 2020 PDF
  33. 104:Ziran Fan, Takayuki Fujimoto, "Digital application of analog-like time perception mechanism based on Analog on Digital (AoD) theory", International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions(IJITST): E-ISSN:1748-5703 PDF
  34. 108: Sembiyev Ordabay, Kemelbekova Zhanar, "The algorithm of the method of calculating the quality of service asynchronous network", JOURNAL OF MECHANICS OF CONTINUA AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, January 2020 PDF
  35. 111: Dr. Abdul Hakeem Memon, Engr. Javed Ali Samejo, Prof. Dr. Zubair Ahmed Memon and Prof. Dr. Ashfaque Ahmed Hashmani, "Realization of Unity Power Factor for AC/DC Boundary Conduction Mode Flyback Converter with any Specific Turn’s RatioA", JOURNAL OF MECHANICS OF CONTINUA AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, January 2020 PDF
  36. 112: Kazuya Murata and Takayuki Fujimoto, "Proposal for Social Environment System by Low-Cost Computing", JOURNAL OF MECHANICS OF CONTINUA AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, January 2020 PDF
  37. 114: Taishi Nemoto, Takayuki Fujimoto, "Design for Group Messenger Incorporating Concept of "Three Wise Monkeys"", Test Engineering and Management,May –June 2020, ISSN: 0193-4120, Page No. 18037-18043 PDF
  38. 115: Faycal Bensalah*, Najib EL Kamoun, "Validation of the NFV SDN solution for the efficient management of MPLS infrastructures", Test Engineering and Management, May –June 2020, ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 17516 -17521 PDF
  40. 126: Ragb Ibrahim Ahmed Awad, Elsayed Mohamed Salem Salem Elawadi, Abdelsattar Abdelwahab Ayoub , Abdelrahman Moammad Ali Tahawi, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary, Bishwajeet Pandey, "The Online Platform Mechanism and Characteristics in Arabic Language Tests for Non-Native Speakers", Test Engineering and Management, VOL 82: JAN/FEB 2020 PDF
  41. 127:Elsayed Mohamed Salem Salem Elawadi, Ragb Ibrahim Ahmed Awad, Abdelrahman Moammad Ali Tahawi, Abdelsattar Abdelwahab Ayoub, Yousef A.Baker El-Ebiary, Bishwajeet Pandey, "The Importance of Rhetorical and the Technological Learning Solutions for Non-Arabic Speakers", Test Engineering and Management, VOL 82: JAN/FEB 2020 PDF

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